What is Honor? by December 2, 2014

Good morning everybody!  We’ve been talking about honor all this week.  So what is honor exactly?  Romans 12:10 says, Outdo one another in showing honor.  Outdo one another – compete with one another!  See if you can outdo the next guy.  

What is honor?  The Greek word in that passage is time (pronounced tee mae), which means something very valuable or priceless.  It reminds me of the Cullinan Diamond.  It’s the largest diamond that has ever been discovered.  Frederick Wells discovered it in a mine in South Africa.  In fact, he saw something glistening on the side wall, and he went over with his pocket knife and pulled out this rock.  Its dimensions were about 4”x2”x2”.  It was just a massive, pure diamond.  He took it into the miners who were running the operation, and they said it was just a piece of junk, and they threw it out!  He went back and on further investigation they found it to be the purest of diamonds, and the largest diamond in the world!  In fact, this thing was so pure and so beautiful, that it was cut up into 9 pieces.  The largest section of it was placed in the royal scepter of the Queen of England.  This is the largest and most beautiful diamond in the world.  

It’s kind of interesting that this is the idea of honor – to see the value and the priceless worth of something.  To dishonor is to hold something great in your hands, but then to discard it and treat it as nothing.  So here’s how it plays in relationships.  When you honor your spouse, you see them as valuable, precious and one of the most important things to you.  When you honor your kids and when you honor your parents, you’re seeing them as one of the most important things.  To dishonor them is like holding something of value in your hands and then act like it’s nothing.  

So we want to get honor in our relationships and not dishonor - we do that naturally.  We want honor in our relationships.  We’re going to talk about that more tomorrow, so consider, are you honoring the people in your home?  



dr. craig etheredge