Honor is a Choice by December 4, 2014

We’ve been talking about honor all week, and here’s another thing about honor.  I know you’re probably thinking, I know and I understand what honor is; I know it’s a command of God, but man!  It’s hard to do!  That’s really true.  Honor is a decision; it’s a decision that you make.  You choose to act honorably in a given situation or to dishonor.  

It’s a choice you have to make, and here’s the hard part, we are hard wired not to honor but to dishonor.  Because sin came into the world, and we were born into sin, then we are selfish by nature.  It’s all about me!  You don’t have to teach kids to be selfish, to lie and to take – right?  They just do that naturally.  You have to teach them to play with others, please and thank you and to share their toys.  Why, because they are hardwired to dishonor - to lift themselves up and to push everybody else down.  

Honor is the reverse of that.  Honor takes a step back and lifts someone else up, and it’s a very difficult thing to do.  You have to choose when you’re having that hard argument or you’re having a tense event at home.  Am I going to demand my way or am I going to lift another person up.  Am I going to treat that person as valuable even when it’s putting my interest to the side?  That’s when the rubber meets the road when it comes to honor.  

So let me ask you something, are you choosing honor?  Do you create an environment of honor in your home?  Today, when you gather with your family, will you choose to bless, to honor, to lift up and to serve the interest of others?  If you do, you will be living a life of honor, and God will bless it!



dr. craig etheredge