What People Are Looking For by October 8, 2014 Dr. Craig Etheredge

Hey, we’ve been talking about anchors that hold us.  We said that God’s in the details of our lives.  We’ve said that God will give us direction, wisdom and truth if we seek him.  We said that God holds our future, and we can trust him in all of it.  Those things really anchor me when I go through hard times, and I hope they anchor you too.


You know what, everyone’s looking for peace.  Everyone’s looking for anchors.  Everyone’s looking for something solid they can depend on, that they can count on and will not change.  That, my friend, happens in a relationship with Jesus.  

I mentioned before that Daniel revealed to this king that God was in control.  You know how that king responded?  He fell on his face and he worshipped God.  He was so relieved that there was a God in Heaven that he could know and would intervene in his life.  I think that is the desire of every person, to want to know this God.  If you don’t know him, he’s revealed himself to you in Jesus.  

My prayer for you is that you will seek him, that you will know him and that you will find anchors that are solid no matter what you’re facing right now.  That’s the importance of being in a church; we can come together, encourage each other and remind each other of these truths that give us solid anchors in difficult times.  
