A Verse For Direction by October 10, 2014 Dr. Craig Etheredge

Good morning everybody!  We’re talking about Craig’s List - my favorite verses.  

This first verse that I’m going to give you comes from my mom.  My mom was raised on the east side of Dallas, and she grew up in a farming community.  Her dad was a share-cropper and carpenter, and they lived out of town in places like Royce City and Nevada back in the day when there wasn’t anything out there.  It’s amazing to me how that’s really grown!  I remember going out there as a kid chasing fireflies, and it was just big open spaces.


She grew up in a very simple life, and at times, a hard life because of hard work and labor.  Her sisters and she would go out as young kids, chop cotton and do all kinds of hard work.  But one verse that she’s leaned on her whole life, and now has passed on to me is Proverbs 3:5-6.  Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.  

I love that verse!  I love it because it meant so much to my mom, and she instilled that into me as a young boy.  She would say, Craig, trust God with all your heart.  He can run your life better than you can.  In every decision you make acknowledge God.  Go to him as a source of wisdom and truth, acknowledge him!  Don’t just charge in there and make your own decision.  Stop, take a moment and ask God what he wants.  If you will do that consistently, God will take crooked paths, and he will make them straight!  He will point out the way for you to go.  

Let me ask you something.  Are you trying to make a decision?  Are you seeking God? Are you trusting him?  Are you acknowledging your need for him and asking him to give you a straight path?  If you do that, he will – that verse is for you!
