It’s About Purpose by February 27, 2015

We’ve been talking about what the Bible is all about.  We’ve said it’s about God, it’s his message, it’s good news and it’s about hope.  Let me give you one more, the Bible is also about purpose.  

When you read the pages of Scripture, what you realize is that God who loves you, created you, redeemed you and who is changing you is the God who has a purpose for you.  The Bible says that you are his masterpiece created in Christ Jesus to do something great.  Isn’t that great!  Just like a sculptor who creates something beautiful, and purposeful, God has created you with gifts, talents, abilities and potential, wonderful redemptive potential, and when you follow God in the pages of Scripture, he shows you the purpose for which you were created.  

See, you’re not just an accident.  You were created on purpose.  I’m sitting in this chair.  It’s got legs, a back and a place to sit down.  It’s got a purpose.  Listen, God created you for a purpose, and when you go to Scripture say, God, I want to know you.  I want to follow you and I want to learn from you in the pages of Scripture, and when you say that to God, your purpose becomes revealed.  The Bible says in Jeremiah 20:11, I know the plans I have for you.  God’s got plans for you, and you find them in the pages of Scripture.  

So if you’re saying, I don’t know the Bible that well, and I don’t know God’s plan for me.  It’s so confusing for me!  You need to get into a church where they open up the Bible, they teach from the Bible, and you’re learning to grow with God by studying his Word.  Have a great weekend!


Dr. Craig Etheredge